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Workspace Invaders – January 2023

We claim the achievement for January.

Imagine a window taking you to another place.

A window where the ocean meets the vegetation, while the clouds fall like waterfalls over the mountain tops, the waves sing the harmonies of the high heavens and the birds stop to meet you and smile. You’re not dreaming!

Check out Workspace Invaders!

2023 is our 12th year of guiding you through the divine nature of Madeira Island, through our lens, here in Portugal.

For the past 11 years, we’ve captured a photo for each month and shared it with you to gently invade your desktop workspace and nudge you to dream bigger.

So, as our tradition dictates, with pride and full gratitude, we open 2023 with the first photograph of this upcoming year.

Do you like what you see?

Visit our VR Museum, with much more…
Visit now, here.

Found your favorite image?

Click on ‘download image’ and then with the right mouse button ‘save image as’ to use this Workspace Invader freely as your screen background – Workspace Invaders for 2023.

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