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Uma identidade não é nada sem relacionamentos.


Find Strategies to Give Visual Form to Ideas and Consolidate a Passion. 

Having an identity is not just about making a logo, “drawing” something, “applying” a name, “pasting” a few phrases, and going to bingo.


There are many cases in which the ambition to have anything… ends quickly. Or, slowly. Well, essentially it’s over.

The credibility of the business has a lot to do with the consistency of the image. It is important to perpetuate identity, in something of unique, coherent and good value. Register and protect it to make it yours. Recognizable, dignified and authentic.

But first, it is also important to know who it is aimed at, what you want (to seduce), how you convince and with whom you want to build this trust and sharing.

What image do you want to create for the eyes of your potential and regular customers?

Knowing the “other side” (Target Audience) really doesn’t make sense if you don’t know yourself and, if, as a brand, you don’t identify with what you are capable of being and doing.

In the best process, there is a good result.

“The Most Appropriate Supports.”

Knowing the audience and determining the correct communication strategies (Insight), in the application of brand language, are the main moments during which your “targets” will be most receptive.

There are several approaches and tools that can help you identify the limits of your (potential) targets or partners.
Most often, classify, socio-economic groups, cultures, aspirations and behaviors that define “tribes”. Depending on the depth of the study to be carried out in the project, it may also be necessary to describe “personae” (from the Latin, persona); accurate and sensitive portraits of typical customers, users or partners. One way to reach the “target” is also to analyze trajectories (experiences/cycle) and opportunities. Know how contact will work both ways and allow interaction with your brand/service/product.

“Shoot” in every way, high five * and… 


 … common sense.”

We all dream of dominating the market and becoming successful quickly. But, sometimes it leads us to opt for inappropriate tools and adopt questionable approaches or criteria (or, even worse, not use them properly).

Additionally, some popular strategies, which may seem appealing, are not as useful, relevant, or grounding as they would have us believe.

In the long term, they can create negative behaviors (and balances).

Certain tools and processes have been proven, but not everything is science in terms of creativity. Each case is different and not everything is a five*. Therefore, it is not always easy to separate things and discover what is really useful in an area as sensitive and essential as Identity, Branding and Communication.

The rule here, as in any field, is to maintain a critical mind, communicate sustainably, and clearly use common sense.

* Expression used in the typographic industry, where the plate, as a mold, is used as a reproduction base. This allows us to produce huge quantities of copies at a low price.

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