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Galeria.a, inserted in the Educational Service as an artistic project of the Associação Teatro Experimental do Funchal/ ATEF, has the perspective of training and attracting new audiences, the dialogue between the visual arts and the performing arts and a vision of cultural accessibility.

Clientgaleria.aYear2017AuthorFilipe GomesShare
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Galeria.a, inserted in the Educational Service as an artistic project of the Associação Teatro Experimental do Funchal/ ATEF, has the perspective of training and attracting new audiences, the dialogue between the visual arts and the performing arts and a vision of cultural accessibility.

“The choice of the word a’ is inspired by the immediate sound of the respiratory mechanism, and from a more performative perspective, in a possible expression of the actor. Combined with the letter a’, with an open and singular sound, it brings, in its broad expression, the emotional suggestion of the scream, a release, a sign of pain that does not neglect the dramatic component as a human expression.”

Paulo Sérgio BEJu, Nov 2017

Website – www.atef.pt/galeria_a

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