Creating a Sub-brand
ETICO is an ambitious signage identity designed to complement the TecAmbiente project. This visual concept was crafted to seamlessly “fit” with the parent brand, as represented by the set of green circles in an opposing gradient.
The logo consists of the word “etico”, presented in bold and larger typography, accompanied by the tagline “for Sustainability” in a smaller, lighter font, aligned beneath the last letter “C”. This composition is prominently positioned for primary readability, contrasting with the parent brand “tecambiente” and its descriptor, “Tecnologia e Consultoria em Ambiente”.
This sub-brand retains the foundation of the parent company’s logo (TecAmbiente) with a minimalist, geometric, and recognizable design that serves as a reference to the company while establishing its distinctiveness. It enhances the brand’s visibility, credibility, and awareness.
When the logo is used independently from the parent brand “tecambiente”, it preserves the arrangement of the typography and incorporates the “O” element as its icon. This element features a regular geometric shape, structured with a gradient effect and formed by two concentric rings. Its design echoes the unitary form used in the TecAmbiente logo, ensuring visual cohesion between the brands.
The element introduces a moderate contrast, using similar shapes but emphasizing differences through the application of a horizontal gradient. This creates a three-dimensional optical effect.
The rings are combined with minimal open spacing, and the inverted gradient direction enhances the sense of volume and depth. The result is a sophisticated composition with perceived thickness and complexity.
In our three-dimensional world, our perception of form is inherently spatial. This element leverages that understanding, standing out from the primary plane and appearing tangible, as if it could be touched and handled. It is designed to remain visually impactful across different angles and distances, ensuring a striking presence against both backgrounds and typography.