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Arraial de Nossa Senhora do Monte

At oneline, we developed a varied set of communication materials for the Parish of Nossa Senhora do Monte to promote the traditional Arraial do Monte.

ClientParóquia de N.S.MonteYear2019 and 2020AuthorFilipe GomesShare
editorial design

Monte in August 2019

At oneline, we developed a varied set of communication materials for the Parish of Nossa Senhora do Monte to promote the traditional Arraial do Monte.

Using one of the ex-libris of Freguesia do Monte as the main image for the poster, with a predominant background, of the Church of Nossa Senhora do Monte, thus seeking to establish an identifiable, striking, and effective graphic line.

It was possible to create a video with reference to the decorations and arrangements of the different spaces.

The novenas that precede the night of the 14th to the 15th also contemplate with a similar language using a photo characteristic of the festivities.

Monte Festival


Project Details

Paróquia de N.S.Monte
Communication Design
2019 and 2020

Project Details

Paróquia de N.S.Monte
Design de comunicação

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